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Earth Ancients

  • Destiny: Ray Cappo, From Punk to Monk a Memoir

    15 MAY 2024 · The heartfelt memoir of Ray Raghunath Cappo, a legendary hardcore punk musician-turned-monk—and pioneer of the straight-edge movement—told with warmth, candor, and humor, narrated by the author himself.Ray Cappo was a hardcore punk singer and pioneer of the straight-edge movement living on the Lower East Side of New York City in the ’80s, where his band Youth of Today played to packed clubs and touched thousands of people across the globe. But despite the accolades from fans, the popularity of his records, and the positivity he’d brought to the punk music scene, none of this success gave Ray joy. He felt stagnant, and he yearned for something more.This, along with his father’s untimely death, led him to abruptly quit the band and buy a one-way ticket to India in pursuit of the answers to life’s great mysteries. Living as a monk in the sacred city of Vrindavan and traveling across the country on a series of train trips, Ray embraced the rich, spiritual culture he discovered there. As his unusual adventure unfolded, he encountered extraordinary characters, witnessed deep acts of devotion, and experienced profound moments of divine connection, leading to a radical transformation that was ego-crushing and blissful all at once.Inspired to write music again, Ray returned to the US, where he and other monks founded Shelter, a band dedicated to spreading a message of faith, hope, and love. Told with warmth, candor, and humor, this heartfelt memoir chronicles Ray’s emotional and spiritual journey from punk to monk and beyond.HISTORICAL: Offers a unique glimpse into the punk and hardcore scene of the Lower East Side during the 80s and the birth of the straight-edge movement.SPIRITUAL: Asks (and answers) deep questions about our relationship to the world around us and the living beings that populate it.PERSONAL: Chronicles Ray’s spiritual journey in his own words, with warmth, candor, and humor.
    1h 19m 31s
  • Scott Wolter: Oak Island, Knights Templar and the Holy Grail

    11 MAY 2024 · One of the most enduring mysteries of all time is what happened on Oak Island in Nova Scotia?    Was there treasure buried there and is it still there?    One of the most popular cable television shows ever,  The Curse of Oak Island  on History Channel, investigated the mystery spending millions of dollars over ten seasons and could not find the treasure.    Both Don Ruh and Scott Wolter have had firsthand involvement with the island and its mysteries over the years, Don sharing two maps with Rick and Marty Lagina via his friend and co-researcher Zena Halpern, and Scott with his multiple visits to the island.    However, they had little interest in the mystery until early in 2023 when a trove of encrypted documents came to Don as part of their research of the Knights’ Templar Cremona Document materials.    Once decoded, the five messages and three sketches and one new map of the island revealed shockingly detailed information about who constructed, “ The Underground Project,”     put treasure there and what happened to it.    Finally, the over six-centuries-long mystery has been solved.    Incredibly, the documents also provide new insight into the fabled Holy Grail. Forensic geologist Scott Wolter was host of History Channel’ s hit show, America Unearthed, which followed him on his quest to uncover the truth behind controversial historic artifacts and sites found throughout North America and beyond.  Scott is the author of three books about the Templars and Freemasons, including the wildly controversial,  The Hooked X: Key to the Secret History of North America. Scott is a 32nd degree Freemason and Templar Knight, and is married to author and co-researcher, Janet Wolter. They have two adult children and two grandchildren. Donald Ruh, author of  The Scrolls of Onteora: The Cremona Document, was born and raised in Mount Vernon, N.Y. and worked as an electronics technician in the manufacturing process of medical equipment, retiring in 2008. He is an honorary member of the New York State Archaeological Association, and a member of the New England Antiquities Association (NEARA) since 1998. He has worked with Scott Wolter since 2006 to decode and understand the complex historic maps and other materials contained in the Cremona Document.
    1h 33m 31s
  • Destiny: Jonathan Ellerby: The Seven Gateways of Spiritual Experience

    8 MAY 2024 · A journey through the seven most common and important spiritual experiences • Discover how to recognize experiences of the Sacred and integrate them into daily life for spiritual growth, healing, wholeness, inspiration, resilience, and connection • Shares intimate, firsthand examples of spiritual experiences and explores how they happen, what they are like, what they mean, and how they can help us • Presents simple exercises and common practices to enter the states of super-consciousness that lead to spiritual experiences and connection with the Sacred We all have unexpected moments that take us out of our ordinary lives, and into a sense of the extraordinary. Any one of us can have an experience that reveals our connection to the Sacred, through profound love, wisdom, or a radical shift in perception. Yet how often do we brush off these flashes of spiritual wonder, not realizing they can be stepping stones on the path of spiritual growth and personal resilience. As we acknowledge the expansiveness of the human heart and mind we access insights and feelings that help us to make peace with even the most difficult and confusing life circumstance. Through dynamic stories of firsthand accounts, Jonathan Ellerby guides us in how to recognize and integrate the spiritual experiences that are already a part of our life and those that we may yet pursue. As we explore the non-ordinary modes of perception and the super-states of consciousness that underlie them, we realize how spiritual experiences happen, what they mean, and how they can help us cultivate creativity, healing, and groundedness. Through simple exercises and sacred practices designed to expand perception, we go deeper and enter non-ordinary states of consciousness, which can enable us to have direct awareness of the fullness of life and higher consciousness. Providing a map for navigating sacred encounters, this guide prepares us to face life with passion, purpose, and resilience.
    1h 27m 36s
  • Camille Sauve: Master Stonemasons of Ancient Peru

    4 MAY 2024 · Proof of a long-forgotten ancient worldwide civilization • Explains the three distinct architectural styles found at the majority of sacred sites, representing three ancient world ages • Examines evidence of the two oldest architectural ages at sites in the Sacred Valley of Peru in depth, connecting them to other sites around the world • Explores the sophisticated science behind the construction of these stone sites, including modern research on acoustic levitation and ancient use of geopolymers All around the world are mysterious ancient monoliths with strange features—perfectly carved terraces, massive steps, basins, and abstract forms with underground grottos and cave systems. Most archaeologists have a hard time explaining them and attribute their construction to the earliest known cultures in the area. Examining sacred sites in Peru and their counterparts around the world, researcher and journalist Camille M. Sauvé shows how these sites share specific architectural characteristics and reveal evidence of a very ancient culture that once existed worldwide. She examines the work of Peruvian researcher Alfredo Gamarra, who first described in detail the three distinct building styles and construction methods of these sites and how they represent three ancient world ages. She explains how Hanan Pacha ("heaven above") constructions, the oldest style, are universally revered as sacred by the civilizations that came after them. Weaving together a tapestry of what early humanity looked like, Sauvé examines the writings of famous clairvoyants like Rudolf Steiner, Madame Blavatsky, and Edgar Cayce who recorded the works of early man through the Akashic records. Besides the more esoteric questions about who could have built these wonders, Sauvé also examines the unique properties of the monoliths themselves and the sophisticated science behind the construction of these stone sites. She shows how they seem to be placed on earth power spots and how most of the rocks have significant piezoelectric properties from high quartz and silica content. Revealing that many sacred sites are much older than previously thought, Camille Sauvé shows that Peru may hold the secret to remembering our forgotten prehistory. Camille M. Sauvé is an independent journalist, photographer, graphic designer, and author living in the Sacred Valley in Cusco, Peru. She has spent hundreds of hours researching and personally exploring Peru’s enigmatic archaeological sites, their technical sophistication, possible uses, and who was responsible for their creation.
    1h 15m 15s
  • Destiny: Micah Hanks, UAP's and First Contact

    1 MAY 2024 · The Micah Hanks Program is a weekly podcast that covers science and the mysteries of our universe. Taking a critically-minded approach to the study of our world, each week Micah presents commentary and discussions with guests on subjects that include mysteries of physics and astronomy, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI), UFOs, myths and folklore, archaeology and ancient mysteries, artificial intelligence, futurism, cryptozoology, science fiction, and entertainment. Each week we journey to the boundaries of human knowledge, in search of the most unusual things our world has to offer.
    1h 13m 48s
  • Dr. Edwin Barnhart: Mystery of the Olmec

    27 APR 2024 · Dr. Edwin Barnhart - Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin Anthropology Department 2001 - Director of the Palenque Mapping Project 1998-2000 - Discovered the Maya ruins of Ma'ax Na in Belize 1995 Maya Exploration Center Director Dr. Ed Barnhart has almost three decades of experience as an archaeologist, an explorer and an instructor. He is a Fellow of the Explorers Club, has published many papers, and appeared in over a dozen documentaries about ancient civilizations. His involvement in Maya studies began in 1990 as an archaeological intern in the ruins of Copan, Honduras. In January of 1996 he was invited to return to Copan and help the University of Pennsylvania excavate the early acropolis and the tomb of the city's lineage founder.From 1992-1995 he had been studying art, iconography and epigraphy (hieroglyphic translation) under the late Dr. Linda Schele at the University of Texas at Austin. During that same time he worked across the State of Texas as a contract archaeologist.In 1994 he began working as a surveyor and a UT field school instructor in the jungles of Northwestern Belize. After finding numerous small villages, Dr. Barnhart discovered the ancient city of Ma'ax Na (Monkey House), a major center of the Classic Maya Period. He mapped over 600 structures at Ma'ax Na between 1995 and 1997 before moving his research focus to Chiapas, Mexico. Also while in Belize, Dr. Barnhart worked with the Belize Post Classic Project mapping the island of Caye Coco and excavating a series of burials on an island in Laguna de On.Dr. Barnhart received his Masters degree in May of 1996 and began teaching Anthropology classes at Southwest Texas State University the following September. He taught Archaeology and Anthropology classes at SWTS until 1998 when he was invited by the Mexican government to direct the Palenque Mapping Project.The Palenque Mapping Project was a three-year effort to survey and map the unknown sections of Palenque's ruins. Over 1100 new structures were documented, bringing the site total to almost 1500. The resultant map has been celebrated as one of the most detailed and accurate ever made of a Maya ruin. He received a Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin in 2001 with his dissertation entitled The Palenque Mapping Project: Settlement Patterns and Urbanism in An Ancient Maya City (PDF).In 2003 Dr. Barnhart founded Maya Exploration Center and since that time has organized and led over 200 study abroad programs for students around the globe. He has appeared on History Channel, Discovery, Japanese Public Television and multiple independent documentaries. In 2012 he completed a 24-lecture video series for The Great Courses entitled "Lost Worlds of South America." Then in 2014 he was invited back to record a 48-lecture series called "Maya to Aztec: Ancient Mesoamerica Revealed". His third Great Courses series, "Ancient Civlizations of North America" came out in the summer of 2018. All three series have recieved almost nothing but 5-star reviews.
    1h 21m 59s
  • Destiny, Eric Leskowitz, M.D.: The Mystery if Life Energy

    24 APR 2024 · Explores the wealth of evidence for the reality of the biofield • Describes how energy therapies are now gaining acceptance due to irrefutable proof of their effectiveness for clinical conditions from PTSD to phantom limb pain • Examines the power of group energetics and team chemistry in sports and in society • Explains how megalithic sacred sites are aligned with Earth’s subtle energies and explores the energetics of crop circles and global consciousness Examining the wealth of evidence supporting the reality of the human biofield, Eric Leskowitz, M.D., explores the role of life energy in healing therapies and outlines its many manifestations at the individual, group, and global levels. He shows how energy therapies have been taboo in the West, from the French Royal Academy’s suppression of Franz Mesmer’s animal magnetism, to the FDA’s persecution of Wilhelm Reich and his orgone box therapy, to Wikipedia’s biased coverage of energy psychology. He then reveals irrefutable evidence for the clinical benefits of energy-based therapies and describes the obstacles he faced in his own attempts to bring these holistic approaches into the world of academic medicine. The author’s detailed exploration of phantom limb pain shows that this phenomenon is not a psychosomatic creation of the brain but is a tangible energetic structure: the human biofield in action. Exploring group energetics and team chemistry, he looks at how group situations— a concert, a meditation retreat, a sporting event—create their own energetic power. He shares the results of his innovative computer measurements during Red Sox baseball games, proving that group energies can be detected when fans become entrained in resonance to the larger field. He explores how Stonehenge and other megaliths were built in alignment with Earth’s own energy meridians, and he proposes that the mysterious phenomenon of crop circles may be emerging in harmony with Earth’s subtle energies. Blending hard science with ancient healing wisdom, the author reveals how we can all thrive together by remembering our shared energetic roots and our undeniable interconnectedness through the global web of life energy and consciousness itself. Eric Leskowitz, M.D., is a retired Harvard Medical School-affiliated psychiatrist who practiced pain management for more than 25 years at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital in Boston. He has published more than 50 articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals and is the author/editor of four books. His documentary about group energies and sports, The Joy of Sox, aired nationally on PBS in 2012. He lives in western Massachusetts.
    1h 18m 16s
  • David Longbear Sinapass: Star People, Prophesy and the Age of Wisdom

    20 APR 2024 · David Lonebear Sanipass is the last remaining Sagen, or Spiritual Leader, of the Mi’kmaq Nation. He is a spiritual scientist, engineer, storyteller, flute and basket maker. The Mi’kmaq (pronounced mi-gah-mah) are an indigenous people presently located in Maine and Canada, though originally they populated areas from Boston, Massachusetts northward into Canada.  David’s birth was prophesied by elders over 300 years before his birth. He was trained extensively from birth by over 600 elders from around the world for the first 26 years of his life on the side of Lonebear mountain. This included what are referred to as the “star teachings” as well as advanced mathematics, science, chemistry, biology, physics and engineering. He was asked by his elders to share these teachings to the non-natives for the first time ever.  It was this deep initiation into traditional spiritual practice and knowledge that shaped David and informs him now. As Sagen he is the ‘translator of Spirit. He was raised with the traditional Mi’kmaq belief that humans are in relationship with spirit and can be guided by Spirit. The relationship of humans, spirit, Mother Earth and the Creator are primary. Humans are considered a powerful energy source.  Spirit, as understood by David’s tradition, exists in physical dimension but not in the electromagnetic spectrum of light that we see, nor on an auditory scale we can hear. David has vast experience of being open and available to this level of creation and shares this depth.  David is clear it is time to share this traditional wisdom. Not to give it away. Not to have it taken, but to share in order to guide ourselves, our community, and our world toward spiritual advancement necessary to step into our roles as humans in a changing universe.   
    1h 27m 12s
  • Destiny: Rev. Jim Willis, Near Death Experiences

    17 APR 2024 · Thousands, perhaps millions, of people have had near-death experiences (NDEs). Why do so many report uncannily similar experiences? What are they—a simple trick of the mind and body or something more? What are we to make of them, and do they tell us anything about the possibility of an afterlife? An illuminating and thought-provoking journey into the enigmatic territory where science, spirituality, and human consciousness converge, Near Death Experiences: Afterlife Journeys and Revelations presents a comprehensive journey through different interpretations of NDEs: - The Scientific. What neuroscience, medicine, and biology have to say about what happens at the brink of death. - The Religious. What NDE-like experiences found in the Bible, the Tibetan Book of the Dead, the Talmud, the Quran, and other religious tracts tell us. - Historic and Personal. What folklore and personal stories reveal about this alternate consciousness that occurs during a life-threatening situation. - The Metaphysical. Possible answers involving quantum reality, parallel universes, and the subconscious. Challenging you to explore all possibilities, Near Death Experiences will have you reconsidering your understanding of life, death, and consciousness! Jim Willis earned his master’s degree in theology from Andover Newton Theological School, and he has been an ordained minister for over 40 years. He has also taught college courses in comparative religion and cross-cultural studies. His background in theology and education led to his writing more than 20 books on history, religion, the apocalypse, cross-cultural spirituality, and the mysteries of the unknown. His books include Visible Ink Press’ Censoring God; Ancient Gods; Hidden History; and American Cults. He lives in the woods of South Carolina.
    1h 5m 16s
  • Bill Brown & Trevor Grassi: The Secret Underworld of Giza

    13 APR 2024 · Trevor Grassi is an independent researcher studying prehistoric evidence of advanced civilizations, focusing on the Great Pyramids, Sphinx, and the underground of Giza. He's visited over a dozen countries and over a hundred pyramids, temples, and sacred sites. He's studied megalithic stonework, mythology, astrology, math, and geometry of ancient cultures in an attempt to reconstruct the 'sacred sciences' of the last Golden Age, and he has written a book series that is soon to be published and is currently working on a long format documentary series with Bill Brown, called 'The Secret Underworld Of Giza'. William (Bill) Brown is a retired civil engineer turned Gizatologist, who has spent the last 20 years investigating the mysteries of the Giza Plateau. He has been deep underground at Giza many times and in many locations. Bill has also carried out ground penetrating radar scans at many sites at Giza as well as at the Hawara Labyrinth site in the Fayoum Oasis. He has made many discoveries at both sites. He is currently leading a project attempting to excavate and access many underground chambers and tunnels at Giza with the IRGE (International Research Group, Egypt) and Mission Pharaoh, an international collection of foundations supporting his work.  For notifications about the series (and referenced documents listed in the description), subscribe to the channel and watch Part One here: Support the project with a donation or find more info at: Sign the project petition at: Join the Facebook discussion group for project updates:
    1h 44m 28s

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Earth Ancients chronicles the growing (and often suppressed) evidence of known and unknown civilizations, their ruined cities, and artifacts developed from advanced science and technology. Erased from the pages of...

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Earth Ancients chronicles the growing (and often suppressed) evidence of known and unknown civilizations, their ruined cities, and artifacts developed from advanced science and technology. Erased from the pages of time, these cultures discovered and charted the heavens, developed earth-centric sciences and unleashed advancements that parallel and, in many cases, surpass our own. Join us and discover our lost history.
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