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Fleccas Talks Podcast

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    14 MAY. 2024 · Guys today’s episode is a top third banger once again. In Housekeeping we go over Trump’s most recent rally, the insane images from the weekend’s aurora borealis, and the portal in NYC that connects with Dublin (and how its already getting misused). Then, the IRS is targeting individuals that are anti-government which won’t apply to us because THIS SHOW IS SATIRE! We wrap up Housekeeping by showing what Harvard students think our immigration policy should be (HINT: its basically what we’re already doing). We end the segment with some new info about microplastics in the food.  In Cringe of the Week we have an MC that botched the graduation because, we assume, she’s never read human names before? We end Cringe with some twink sh*t which includes a trans punk-folk band that you won’t want to miss. In Urban Decay we have a CRIMES COMMITTED IN BROAD DAYLIGHT section followed by a PEOPLE HAVE HAD ENOUGH SECTION. Both are very important. As always stay until the end for Uplifting Gold. All this and more it's Fleccas Talks: The Podcast episode 170, ranked the best new podcast OF ALL TIME!! FARMER BILLS PROVISIONS - The Best Beef Jerky I've EVER Had! Get the Wagyu of jerky from baed show-watcher Farmer Bill. This stuff is the absolute best, no seed oils or preservatives, no poison. Farmer Bill is based. Use code: FLECCAS20 for 20% OFF!  https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbkI5UE54RHNSUE5QY0ZLWHlBcFdNLUc2Q0MtQXxBQ3Jtc0tsLW5TWlhZMHpGSUw3ekZKNzdXX2VXaTJNSGFoZFpFREk4enZiWm1ZMXpWNXNMVUhaTzlIMGV6enVIMUl5dklXMWhlR3lvSG1UeUxlcDI1Qkc2bi1SeGdKYTUtanRHc040LTIwU2MzcU1JNFRmXzk5Yw&q=https%3A%2F%2Ffarmerbillsprovisions.com%2F&v=699XWNCBucw FLECCAS MERCH! GET YOUR FREE BIG DON MERCH HERE! https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa3V2Mjk2MmdKOUJZakxfWFhVS0ZPSVBMdWY2d3xBQ3Jtc0tsVU1lQXdDUVpCSHI5SFVLaWVNaDhOeUh6Y2RWNWhrajA5T0F5MzQtYnFzYXhtV0pqQnpHMVcxMXk2Tko5cGhETHpMazVCY0NWbzg1eER4cnhyWjlCX1V1bHN4bDVrZmVfd0RwT1BzVjRLWjdUNy00OA&q=https%3A%2F%2Ffleccasmerch.com%2F&v=699XWNCBucw Join Bonus Land for hours of exclusive content each month! https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbEMwMHk2eDZBaGVzam0zdHRfNE5yeGNBOEFCd3xBQ3Jtc0ttc1NWc2lFNEhSQ2JxMmpDdkNVeU94RlBqekdfMjJvakZCY0dMU2RBbld4MVJiaHNDYXlsOEY0YjhYb0hjYzR4NUtBQUZLYUhTUmRVWXFIM2llN1ZGUjhWTjF4bjl1VnRUQmxZY2ZDM3Y5eVpEUEVsNA&q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.fleccastalks.com%2F&v=699XWNCBucw  WATCH FRIDAY’S SHOW! https://youtu.be/VAfFYUClbGk FOLLOW CHINESE DONUT BOY! https://www.instagram.com/chinesedonutboy/ CHECK OUT ABBA ALABANZA! https://www.instagram.com/abba_alabanza?igsh=cXJ2YWFlajM2c3Jj FOLLOW MEMETIC SISYPHUS! https://twitter.com/memeticsisyphus https://www.instagram.com/memetic_sisyphus/ SIGN UP FOR MEMETIC SISYPHUS’ SUBSTACK! https://memeticsisyphus.substack.com/p/eternal-revolution?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2 SEND SOMETHING TO OUR P.O. BOX! FLECCAS TALKS PO BOX 35513 ST PETERSBURG FL 33705
    1h 14m 14s
  • Explícito


    10 MAY. 2024 · Guys today’s episode is a top third banger. In Housekeeping a couple of teens were awarded one million dollars after they were kicked out of school for wearing blackface (it was acne cream). Then we go over the Kathy Hochul clip to understand the left’s racism. We wrap up Housekeeping with some Covid backtracking from Chris Cuomo and RFK has brain worms?? In Cringe of the Week we have some gays who acquired a baby again, a normal woman forfeits her darts match against a trans woman, and there’s a gay guy hooking up with old grandpas. In Urban Decay a woman claims a restaurant is racist because of the garnish they served with her tropical drink, we tell you why service industry jobs are at an all time low effort wise, and we wrap up the section with more clips from the lawyer who gets everyone off.   As always stay until the end for Uplifting Gold. All this and more it's Fleccas Talks: The Podcast episode 169, ranked the best new podcast OF ALL TIME!! THIS WEEK’S EPISODE IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY VIEWERS LIKE YOU! THANK YOU SHOW WATCHERS! WE LOVE YOU. FLECCAS MERCH! GET YOUR FREE BIG DON MERCH HERE! https://fleccasmerch.com Join Bonus Land for hours of exclusive content each month! http://www.fleccastalks.com WATCH TUESDAY’S SHOW! https://youtu.be/W7s2Is-HnWA FOLLOW CHINESE DONUT BOY! https://www.instagram.com/chinesedonutboy/ CHECK OUT ABBA ALABANZA! https://www.instagram.com/abba_alabanza?igsh=cXJ2YWFlajM2c3Jj FOLLOW MEMETIC SISYPHUS! https://twitter.com/memeticsisyphus https://www.instagram.com/memetic_sisyphus/ SIGN UP FOR MEMETIC SISYPHUS’ SUBSTACK! https://memeticsisyphus.substack.com/p/eternal-revolution?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2 SEND SOMETHING TO OUR P.O. BOX! FLECCAS TALKS PO BOX 35513 ST PETERSBURG FL 33705
    1h 4m 4s
  • Explícito


    7 MAY. 2024 · Guys today’s episode is LIT. In Housekeeping RRB is sick, we go over the “racist frat boy saga”, we have a solid Trump/Biden section, and we wrap it all up by not caring that Ben Shapiro is calling everyone “anti-simitic”. In Cringe of the Week we have a climate change activist that is a massive muppet, AOC tries to blame roads for racism, and we hear about all of the autistic trans stuff they’re teaching at Harvard. In Urban Decay we have some fights to go over in Dallas and at a high school basketball game. We also discovered a lawyer that posts to social media taking pride in the fact that he gets tons of criminals off on technicalities. Thanks dog!  As always stay until the end for Uplifting Gold. All this and more it's Fleccas Talks: The Podcast episode 168, ranked the best new podcast OF ALL TIME!! Guys, with all of the impending issues our country is facing is your family prepared? You need to make sure your family is READY which is why we partnered with My Patriot Supply to provide you with 3 MONTH EMERGENCY FOOD KITS! $200 OFF AND FREE SHIPPING! GO TO: http://www.preparewithfleccas.com right now! FLECCAS MERCH! GET YOUR FREE BIG DON MERCH HERE! https://fleccasmerch.com Join Bonus Land for hours of exclusive content each month! http://www.fleccastalks.com WATCH FRIDAY’S SHOW! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OwhJyTRi6Tc&t=0s FOLLOW CHINESE DONUT BOY! https://www.instagram.com/chinesedonutboy/ FOLLOW MEMETIC SISYPHUS! https://twitter.com/memeticsisyphushttps://www.instagram.com/memetic_sisyphus/ SIGN UP FOR MEMETIC SISYPHUS’ SUBSTACK! https://memeticsisyphus.substack.com/p/eternal-revolution?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2 SEND SOMETHING TO OUR P.O. BOX! FLECCAS TALKS PO BOX 35513 ST PETERSBURG FL 33705
    1h 2m 43s
  • Explícito


    3 MAY. 2024 · Guys today’s episode is a top third litty boy once again. In Housekeeping we have a Jan6 update (undercover cops were there), we have an inside scoop into another one of Joe Biden’s kids being a crackhead (NOT Hunter), and we have in depth coverage of all of the campus chaos. In Cringe of the Week we start off with some new trans sh*t that will make you laugh and end the segment with a liberal white lady who thinks white men are the most dangerous so we go over some basic stats to prove her wrong.  In Urban Decay we have a new Repeat Offender of the Week. Muriel Bowser shows us this week with a new stat out of DC then we have some ruckus caused by non bowlers at the bowling alley. We end the segment by showing the difference between low trust societies (pro-looting) and high trust societies.  As always stay until the end for Uplifting Gold. All this and more it's Fleccas Talks: The Podcast episode 167, ranked the best new podcast OF ALL TIME!! Let's kick our bad habits. Try FUM today! https://www.tryfum.com/fleccas USE CODE: "FLECCAS" for 10% off! Buy one Get one free on cores until the end of the month! FLECCAS MERCH! GET YOUR FREE BIG DON MERCH HERE! https://fleccasmerch.com Join Bonus Land for hours of exclusive content each month! http://www.fleccastalks.com WATCH TUESDAY’S SHOW! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tk4LkUXWjig&t=0s FOLLOW CHINESE DONUT BOY! https://www.instagram.com/chinesedonutboy/ FOLLOW MEMETIC SISYPHUS! https://twitter.com/memeticsisyphushttps://www.instagram.com/memetic_sisyphus/ SIGN UP FOR MEMETIC SISYPHUS’ SUBSTACK! https://memeticsisyphus.substack.com/p/eternal-revolution?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2 SEND SOMETHING TO OUR P.O. BOX! FLECCAS TALKSPO BOX 35513 ST PETERSBURG FL 33705 https://www.google.com/localservices/prolist?g2lbs=AIQllVxmJC7pg5eLl6rWCSZEEYCiz21UqGYSDO_bO6kYa_cSler95dqpEmYMiJ1CgxnHvsoaILGPC1yIq0TiDwZl8qGKR1HBbXEz3rMvpkVCYdvYG6d7dpI%3D&hl=en-US&gl=us&ssta=1&q=exquisite%20exteriors%20llc&oq=exquisite%20exteriors%20llc&slp=MgBSAggCYAB6mAJDaGRsZUhGMWFYTnBkR1VnWlhoMFpYSnBiM0p6SUd4c1kwajVrdktXeDYyQWdBaGFKUkFBRUFFUUFoZ0FHQUVZQWlJWFpYaHhkV2x6YVhSbElHVjRkR1Z5YVc5eWN5QnNiR09TQVJod2NtVnpjM1Z5WlY5M1lYTm9hVzVuWDNObGNuWnBZMldhQVNSRGFHUkVVMVZvVGsxSE9XNVRNRlpLVVRCR2JsTlZUbkZqTTBweFVqTndNMUpTUVVLcUFVQVFBVElmRUFFaUcyc0NZSWxfVjVLUld5M3IwU1YxVzNWYTRfOFEyUXZUbHlqSnZ6SWJFQUlpRjJWNGNYVnBjMmwwWlNCbGVIUmxjbWx2Y25NZ2JHeGo0QUVBkgE8Cg0vZy8xMWZrdGZ0MmN0Cg0vZy8xMWpybDNtMXQ5Cg0vZy8xMWoyeHluXzM2Cg0vZy8xMWtqajVidDNq&src=2&spp=Cg0vZy8xMWZrdGZ0MmN0OugBV2lVUUFCQUJFQUlZQUJnQkdBSWlGMlY0Y1hWcGMybDBaU0JsZUhSbGNtbHZjbk1nYkd4amtnRVljSEpsYzNOMWNtVmZkMkZ6YUdsdVoxOXpaWEoyYVdObG1nRWtRMmhrUkZOVmFFNU5Semx1VXpCV1NsRXdSbTVUVlU1eFl6TktjVkl6Y0ROU1VrRkNxZ0ZBRUFFeUh4QUJJaHRyQW1DSmYxZVNrVnN0NjlFbGRWdDFXdVBfRU5rTDA1Y295Yjh5R3hBQ0loZGxlSEYxYVhOcGRHVWdaWGgwWlhKcGIzSnpJR3hzWXc9PQ%3D%3D&lrlstt=1714694324005&ved=2ahUKEwj0_9qIlvCFAxW1SjABHcoMDgAQvS56BAgYEAE&scp=ChZnY2lkOnNpZGluZ19jb250cmFjdG9yEkYSEgnTnXddDOLCiBHzXpxuWBTl7iIYU3QuIFBldGVyc2J1cmcsIEZMIDMzNzEyKhQNPviBEBW_GrjOHd-IjRAlI3W9zjABGhdleHF1aXNpdGUgZXh0ZXJpb3JzIGxsYyIXZXhxdWlzaXRlIGV4dGVyaW9ycyBsbGMqEVNpZGluZyBjb250cmFjdG9y#ts=3
    1h 10m 15s
  • Explícito


    30 ABR. 2024 · Guys today’s episode is a top third BANGER. In Housekeeping we have a very important Israel/Palestine protest update followed by a solid 2024 election schizo spiral by me. Kristi Noem said she killed a dog and we explain why the democrat operatives shouldn’t be jumping all over this the way that they are. RRB got a ticket for not wearing a seatbelt in the back of a pickup truck, I have a new PET I’m excited to share with you, and we end Housekeeping by “PLANTING A SEED” about WIFI. In Cringe of the Week we discuss how standards are being lowered for black doctors and how it plays into the globalist’s Big Pharma Technostate agenda. We wrap up Cringe with a tip on how to not be a brain dead non-present person and explain how now more than ever we have to realize we’re the first guy up if sh*t hits the fan! In Urban Decay we have some more perpetual criminals getting let out, Adam Schiff got robbed, and there were some mini warm up riots in Chicago over the weekend. We end Urban with a WASTE OF TAX PAYER DOLLARS section you won’t want to miss.  As always stay until the end for Uplifting Gold. All this and more it's Fleccas Talks: The Podcast episode 166, ranked the best new podcast OF ALL TIME!! FLECCAS MERCH! GET YOUR FREE BIG DON MERCH HERE! https://fleccasmerch.com Join Bonus Land for hours of exclusive content each month! http://www.fleccastalks.com WATCH FRIDAY’’S SHOW! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LRbnZtVkrc&t=0s FOLLOW CHINESE DONUT BOY! https://www.instagram.com/chinesedonutboy/ FOLLOW MEMETIC SISYPHUS! https://twitter.com/memeticsisyphushttps://www.instagram.com/memetic_sisyphus/ SIGN UP FOR MEMETIC SISYPHUS’ SUBSTACK! https://memeticsisyphus.substack.com/p/eternal-revolution?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2 SEND SOMETHING TO OUR P.O. BOX! FLECCAS TALKS PO BOX 35513 ST PETERSBURG FL 33705
    1h 13m 20s
  • Explícito


    26 ABR. 2024 · Guys today’s episode is one of our best yet and I’m not just saying that. In Housekeeping we go over all of the FREE PALESTINE protests popping up on college campuses across the country. We then go into our Trump trial and migrant updates. We also REVOKED AN ENDORSEMENT from Tuesday’s episode (very important), Joe Biden continues to be a muppet, and last but not least I tell you why Russia is doing the most sports-wise.  In Cringe of the Week we have some major intersectionality when a drag queen reading to kids tells them about the free Palestine movement. Then a girl tells us why she hates her “cis family” and we wrap things up with our FLIP THE CAMERA SECTION where we show the aggravated people that take pride in harassing normal people and expose them for being anti-social losers. In Urban Decay they are giving million dollar apartments to homeless people in Santa Monica and guys are doing nothing while innocent girls are attacked but it actually makes sense somehow? We end the segment with some NEW EUPHEMISMS the media made up and then explain why having in-group preferences doesn’t make you a racist.  As always stay until the end for Uplifting Gold. All this and more it's Fleccas Talks: The Podcast episode 165, ranked the best new podcast OF ALL TIME!! Guys, with all of the impending issues our country is facing is your family prepared? You need to make sure your family is READY which is why we partnered with My Patriot Supply to provide you with 3 MONTH EMERGENCY FOOD KITS! $200 OFF AND FREE SHIPPING!GO TO: http://www.preparewithfleccas.com right now! FLECCAS MERCH! GET YOUR FREE BIG DON MERCH HERE! https://fleccasmerch.com Join Bonus Land for hours of exclusive content each month! http://www.fleccastalks.com WATCH TUESDAY’S SHOW! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXyQMoGww0Y&t=0s FOLLOW CHINESE DONUT BOY! https://www.instagram.com/chinesedonutboy/ FOLLOW MEMETIC SISYPHUS! https://twitter.com/memeticsisyphushttps://www.instagram.com/memetic_sisyphus/ SIGN UP FOR MEMETIC SISYPHUS’ SUBSTACK!https://memeticsisyphus.substack.com/p/eternal-revolution?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2 SEND SOMETHING TO OUR P.O. BOX! FLECCAS TALKS PO BOX 35513 ST PETERSBURG FL 33705
    1h 10m 45s
  • Explícito


    23 ABR. 2024 · Guys today’s show is a banger. In Housekeeping we discuss the additional Ukraine and Israel funding that just got passed (along with no aid for the US border). Dems dropped a new abortion ad full of lies in an attempt to rile up single women who vote based on how easy it is for them to murder their unborn children. We got some new DEI fails coming out of Southwest Airlines, Trump’s trial in NYC is rolling on, we have a quick migrant update, and last but not least I get a whole page of schizo Housekeeping stuff you won’t want to miss. In Cringe of the Week we start off by proving to you why it’s not good to be fat and gay. Then we have a clip of a kid learning to drive very poorly and we explain why it’s probably the parents’ fault. We end Cringe with an anti-white teacher and tell you why it’s not OK to blame bad parts of history on white people (it’s also not accurate to do so). In Urban Decay we have a whole lot of senseless violence accompanied by new euphemisms the media is using to hide the race of criminals.  As always stay until the end for Uplifting Gold. All this and more it's Fleccas Talks: The Podcast episode 164, ranked the best new podcast OF ALL TIME!! GO SILENT! GET YOUR SLNT SLEEVES TODAY. PROTECT YOURSELF! 15% OFF HERE:https://www.slnt.com/pages/fleccas FLECCAS MERCH!GET YOUR FREE BIG DON MERCH HERE! https://fleccasmerch.com Join Bonus Land for hours of exclusive content each month! http://www.fleccastalks.com WATCH FRIDAY’S SHOW! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MQcsKBowXw&t=0s FOLLOW CHINESE DONUT BOY! https://www.instagram.com/chinesedonutboy/ FOLLOW MEMETIC SISYPHUS! https://twitter.com/memeticsisyphushttps://www.instagram.com/memetic_sisyphus/ SIGN UP FOR MEMETIC SISYPHUS’ SUBSTACK! https://memeticsisyphus.substack.com/p/eternal-revolution?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2 SEND SOMETHING TO OUR P.O. BOX! FLECCAS TALKS PO BOX 35513 ST PETERSBURG FL 33705
    1h 6m 4s
  • Explícito


    19 ABR. 2024 · Guys today’s show is LIT. In Housekeeping we go over some updates from the Trump trail while showing how dumb-dumb Joe Biden is. We’ve also been reassured that AI robots won’t destroy humanity because they NEED humans to stay alive (according to a 7ft tall robot). We have some new migrant crimes that are going unreported by the media and last but not least we cover some conspiracies and I tell you why Red Lobster is going bankrupt and what restaurants can do to become successful.  In Cringe of the Week we go over some trans sex party details (gross). Then we go over how a school in Utah is allowing furries in the schools and the normal kids are suffering because of it.  In Urban Decay no one is afraid of the police and it shows. A trans teacher gets slapped in the face by a black student, and last but not least a woman who murdered her child on meth was found not guilty because the judge didn’t want to lock up a black woman.  As always stay until the end for Uplifting Gold. All this and more it's Fleccas Talks: The Podcast episode 163, ranked the best new podcast OF ALL TIME!! SIGN UP FOR MEMETIC SISYPHUS’ SUBSTACK! https://memeticsisyphus.substack.com/p/eternal-revolution?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2 FLECCAS MERCH!GET YOUR FREE BIG DON MERCH HERE! https://fleccasmerch.com Join Bonus Land for hours of exclusive content each month! http://www.fleccastalks.com WATCH TUESDAY’S SHOW! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWeW4m9Kgcw&t=0s FOLLOW CHINESE DONUT BOY! https://www.instagram.com/chinesedonutboy/ FOLLOW MEMETIC SISYPHUS! https://twitter.com/memeticsisyphus https://www.instagram.com/memetic_sisyphus/ SEND SOMETHING TO OUR P.O. BOX! FLECCAS TALKS PO BOX 35513 ST PETERSBURG FL 33705
    1h 10m 37s
  • Explícito


    16 ABR. 2024 · Guys today’s show is a BANGER. In Housekeeping we have an update from the Church-front Robber from Friday. We explain the trans WW3 we almost got ourselves involved in over the weekend (we have images from INSIDE the situation room). We show you what fake food looks like and explain why you MUST AVOID. We have a can’t-miss migrant section that involves entitled illegals and a trans border town mayor. We finish our Housekeeping with our ROTTEN CLAM section that might offend some of you but it REALLY SHOULDN’T! In Cringe of the Week we show some girls that would rather be in the woods with a bear over a man. The bulk of Cringe is our PROLONGED ADOLESCENCE section that address some recent dumb-dumb behavior from Bert Kreischler and Travis Kelce.  In Urban Decay we have a ROBBERS and FIGHTS speed round that includes a jewlery heist, an argument on the subway, cops being attacked in ATL, and some black girl fights that end with everyone half naked and their wigs snatched off.  As always stay until the end for Uplifting Gold. All this and more it's Fleccas Talks: The Podcast episode 162, ranked the best new podcast OF ALL TIME!! GET YOUR SIERRA WHISKEY CO APPAREL HERE!USE CODE: FLECCAS20 FOR 20% OFF YOUR ORDER! https://www.undertac.com FLECCAS MERCH!GET YOUR TRUMP ECLIPSE SHIRT HERE! https://fleccasmerch.com/store/p/synthwave-trump-t-shirt Join Bonus Land for hours of exclusive content each month! http://www.fleccastalks.com WATCH TUESDAY’S SHOW! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWeW4m9Kgcw&t=0s FOLLOW CHINESE DONUT BOY! https://www.instagram.com/chinesedonutboy/ FOLLOW MEMETIC SISYPHUS! https://twitter.com/memeticsisyphus https://www.instagram.com/memetic_sisyphus/ SIGN UP FOR HIS SUBSTACK! https://memeticsisyphus.substack.com/p/eternal-revolution?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2 SEND SOMETHING TO OUR P.O. BOX! FLECCAS TALKS PO BOX 35513 ST PETERSBURG FL 33705
    1h 2m 2s
  • Explícito


    12 ABR. 2024 · We have a VERY LIT episode for you guys today. First things first, it’s tax season so make sure you give all the money you saved up all year to Joe Biden so he can give it to Zelensky and the Deep State who use the funds to entrap patriotic Americans like Alex Jones. We also discuss how Ben Affleck’s daughter came out as trans at her grandfather’s funeral (thanks!) then Don Lemon and his boyfriend get gay married. We end our Housekeeping with migrant and 2024 election updates.  In our abbreviated Cringe of the Week we share some of our favorite “Asians eating bait” stories, we show you why we can’t forfeit the country to the loudest and weakest people. A lady tries to find a “rich husband” on her flight and we go over some new workout routines that don’t fully make sense. In Urban Decay we debunk the lies surrounding the Dexter Reed murder, we show a woman abusing the mentally handicapped child on the bus she was supposed to be taking care of, a kid in Connecticut got jumped for saying the n-word, and we show some examples of the media going out of their way to obscure reality and promote their anti-white narrative. As always stay until the end for Uplifting Gold. All this and more it's Fleccas Talks: The Podcast episode 161, ranked the best new podcast OF ALL TIME!! GET ALL OF YOUR OPTICS NEEDS FROM ONE OF THE BOYS AT GIDEON OPTICS. THEY ARE THE BEST! USE CODE: CABANA FOR 10% OFF AND FREE SHIPPINGLINK: https://www.gideonoptics.com/ FLECCAS MERCH! GET YOUR TRUMP ECLIPSE SHIRT HERE! https://fleccasmerch.com/store/p/synthwave-trump-t-shirt Join Bonus Land for hours of exclusive content each month! http://www.fleccastalks.com WATCH TUESDAY’S SHOW! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWeW4m9Kgcw&t=0s FOLLOW CHINESE DONUT BOY! https://www.instagram.com/chinesedonutboy/ FOLLOW MEMETIC SISYPHUS! https://www.instagram.com/memetic_sisyphus/ SEND SOMETHING TO OUR P.O. BOX! FLECCAS TALKS PO BOX 35513 ST PETERSBURG FL 33705
    1h 9m 55s
Fleccas Talks and Richard Ratboy serving up a very based podcast.

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